Sunday, January 5, 2014


So my New Years resolution for 2014 not make any resolutions. I have always hated the pressure of trying to fulfill resolutions and then feeling horrible when two or three weeks later you quit. So this year have resolved to put that kind of pressure on myself. That way in two or three weeks time I will not be disappointed in myself and beat myself up about falling short of my goals. Instead of making unreachable goals I will work on those things that are easy to attain and not put pressure on myself to complete them by a certain time.

In my mind it is not worth it to stress and put pressure on yourself to reach a goal that we more than likely will quit. Rather we should strive to enjoy this life we have on earth. Enjoy each and every moment we have with our loved ones. We should hug our loved ones tightly and tell them we love them often.  Life is too short to get caught up in our short comings.

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