Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Sometimes....I really enjoy going to the zoo and looking at all the animals.
Always....I wish I could stay longer, because sometimes the are just so much fun to watch.

Sometimes....I love long holiday weekends.
Always....It is so hard to go back to work after being off for several days.

Sometimes.....I just really feel the need to do a good spring cleaning.
Always....I feel so much better afterwards because I actually get rid of things that I have been meaning to throw away for months.

Sometimes....I would really like to have a meerkat as a pet.
Always....I know that is not a very practical pet to have.

Today I am linking up with the lovely Megan for Sometimes and Always. Check it out!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday's Letters

Hi everyone today I am linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters. I hope you enjoy!

Dear long weekend, I am so glad that you are here. I am thankful to be off work for a few days. I have needed a break. Dear husband, I am so glad that you have the weekend off. It will be so nice to spend some good quality time with you. I feel like I have not seen very much of you lately. Dear Zoo,  I am super excited about the new tiger exhibit. I hope I get to come see it this weekend. Dear sunshine, I have been so thankful to see you! Please stick around. Dear blog friends, I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend.



Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sometimes and Always

The other day I was thinking that I could not believe that May is nearly over. Where is time going? It blows my mind sometimes how fast time seems to pass by. At times I wish it would slow down just a little. Today I am linking up with Megan I hope you enjoy!

Sometimes.....I would love to take a month long vacation from work.
Always....I know that at some point I would get bored and want to go back to work.

Sometimes....I feel like quitting school.
Always....I know that I cannot quit, and talk myself into continuing.

Sometimes....I know I really need to take my car in for an oil change.
Always....I wish my husband would take it to the shop for me, because I really do not like taking it.

Sometimes....I like to take a drive so that I can clear my thoughts.
Always....I feel so much better afterwards.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday's Letters

Hello Friends, it is that time again.....today I am linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters. Enjoy!

Dear Husband, I miss your terribly when you have to work on the weekends. I do not like it one bit! Dear Reagan and Darby, thank you for the sweet Mother's Day card you gave me. You are two of the best cats I mother could ever ask for. Dear Work, can you give me a break already. I am tired and stressed. It would be nice if you would cut me some slack. Dear Weekend, I am so thrilled to see you. It has been a long week. And I am so glad I have a couple of days of rest and relaxation. 


 Go check out Ashley's link up! 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Hello everyone, I am linking up with Megan for Sometimes and Always. Enjoy!

Sometimes....I drive my car until I  am practically running on fumes.
Always....I hate it when I fill up my car and then the next day the gases prices go down!

Sometimes....I wonder where I will be in 10 years.
Always....I am thankful for where God has me now and look forward to what He has for the future.

Sometimes....I really love to eat some pizza.
Always....I eat too much.

Sometimes....I play the lottery when the jackpot is really big.
Always....I never win.

Happy Tuesday all!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lessons From God

Today, I thought I would write about what God is doing in my life these days. It always seems that when I need to learn a certain lesson God bring situations or people in my life to help me learn what it is He is trying to teach me. So the lesson God is teaching now is patience.

There is one particular person that I believe God has put in my life for a reason. And this person is helping me to learn how to truly be a patient person. While I know this is good for me and is helping me to be a better person the process is very frustrating. It has shown me a lot about myself and who I am as a person. And some of the stuff that I have seen in my life over the past few weeks has been ugly. It is times like this that God allows us to see who we really are and sometimes it is not pretty.

While the lesson is hard I know it will be good for me in the end.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Darby, I am sorry that I had to take you and drop you off and the vet today. I know you were not happy about being there. But it is for you own good. We do not need you having babies. I said a little prayer for you this morning that your surgery would go well. Mommy loves you! Dear Graduates, congrats on your big night tonight! I look forward to watching you walk arcross the stage. You should all be proud of yourselves for your accomplishments. Dear Sister, congrats on your nursing scholarship. I am so proud of you and that you are going back to school to fulfill your dream. Dear husband, I am sorry I have been gone a lot this week for school things. I feel like I have hardly seen you. I am looking forward to the weekend and being able to spend some time with you.

Today I am linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters. Go check it out!



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Hey! Today I am linking up with Megan at Mackey Madness. Check out her link up!

Sometimes.....I think it would be cool to live in another country.
Always....I hope that it will come true one day!

Sometimes....I like to go home for lunch.
Always.....It is hard to leave and go back to work.

Sometimes.....I lived in a big house.
Always.....I love my little house that I live in and feel blessed that I have a roof over my head.

Sometimes.....I wonder where I will be in 10 years.
Always.....I am grateful for where God has me right now.

Happy Tuesday everyone!
