Thursday, August 30, 2012

Things You Don't Expect To See

Sunday, my husband and I went to the grocery store to stock up on things we needed for the next couple of weeks. We were in the produce sections getting some apples when I happened to look down and this is what I saw.......

I could not believe my eyes. First of all it is gross that someone would eat an apple and leave it there. Second it is rude to do that and not pay for it. But it was kind of amusing to see an apple core just sitting there out in the open like that.


  1. Oh my gosh, are you kidding?! They just ate it really quick and left it?! What crazies!!

  2. Eww! Who does that?! I'm going to have to look closely next time i go to the grocery store!

  3. What the heck?? Why would someone do that?

    1. Who knows? Maybe they did not think anyone would mind.
