Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Birthday Dinner

Last Wednesday was my birthday. So while I was out my amazingly awesome husband made dinner for me and had this wonderful surprise for me when I got home.

The menu was lobster mac and cheese, fresh grilled veggies, and garlic bread. It was such a great surprise to come home and see that he had set the table and lit some candles as well. Here are some pics of the dinner: 

I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband who does little things like this for me. I thank God everyday for bringing such a wonderful man into my life. 


  1. Um this looks amazing!!! What a fabulous husband you have to cook this for you! Happy birthday last Wednesday :) Also, I really love those dishes. I'm on the lookout for some new dishes currently....

    I just found your blog, and I'm excited to be your newest follower! Let's be friends?


    1. Thank Brooke, I feel very blessed. I got the dished as Bed Bath and Beyond. I love them too! Thanks for following!
