Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday’s Letters



Dear Friday, I am so glad to see you. It has been a really long week. Dear Reagan, you have been a very naughty kitty the past couple of days. I do not like that you stole one of my potato chips and ate it. And what were you thinking licking the lid of the ice cream container? Dear weekend, I am so excited you are almost here. I am really looking forward to the girl’s weekend getaway. It is going to be a blast! Dear Husband, I will miss you while I am gone this weekend. Try not to have too much fun while I am away. Dear Blog Friends, I hope you all have a great weekend!  



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Learning To Let Go


It is never easy to let go of something that you have dreamed and longed for so desperately. The hardest part of letting go of a dream is trusting that when you give up complete control that it will be fulfilled. It has always been hard for me to let go of my dreams and let God be in control of those things that I hold most dear to my heart. In my heart of hearts I know that He knows what is best for me and that His timing is the perfect timing. But it is hard for my mind to understand this. Lately, I have had to learn to let go of some dreams that I hold very close to my heart. It has not been easy, but I know that by giving those dreams to God, He will fulfill the desires of my heart. It might not be when I think it should happen, but I know He is faithful. And that is what keeps me going each day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What Has Been On My Mind

What has been on my mind lately.....

Today I am sad for the people in Oklahoma. My heart breaks for those that lost loved ones and for those  who lost their homes. It is sad to see the pictures on TV of what is left after the storm blew through the small town. It reminds me of how precious life is and how we never know how long we have on earth. It reminds me of how much we need Jesus in our lives. He is our hope when it all seems hopeless. 

Lately I have been struggling with our journey to try and have children. At times I feel like it is never going to happen. I have gone from being angry, to sad, to disappointed. I know down deep inside that it will happen in God's timing, but sometimes it is hard to be patient and wait. I long for the day when we are blessed with a child. When nothing is happening it is hard to stay hopeful and trust God. I have to constantly remind myself that God is in control and that He has not forgotten about me. 

I am excited and hopeful about the future of my family. I look forward to seeing where God leads us. I look forward to what God has in store for us and the new chapter that we will embark on. It is exciting to think about what the future holds. I am looking forward to the new adventures that we will take and I am excited to that later this year we can start a new chapter together as a family. I cannot wait to see where we end up and where God will lead us from there. 

This is just a little of what has been on my mind lately. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finding Mr. Right


For many years I wondered how I would know when I had found the right man for me. I do believe there is a moment when you know that this is the right person for you. I am sure that moment or feeling that you get is different for each person.

I remember more than once asking my mom how I would know. And her response was always “you will just know.” Me being the analytical thinker that I am I wanted a more concrete answer. I wanted to know how I would know.

So I waited and waited and waited for that moment that I would just know that I had met the right person for me. As time went on I was for sure that I had missed it or that God had somehow forgotten about me. But then one day it happened. And it happened in a way that caught me off guard and in a way I did not expect it.

Two of my friends that I work with set me up with my husband. They had been trying for weeks for me to meet this guy that they thought was perfect for me. So I finally gave in and agreed to meet this man (and I am so glad that I did). When we met for the first time we agreed to meet at a walking track near my home. We thought this would be a good way to talk and get to know each other.

It was on this day that I finally realized what my mom had been talking about for so long. After our walk I had this overwhelming feeling that this was the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. That day began the first day of our journey together.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Why I love animals….



“Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions, they pass no criticism.”  ~George Eliot

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I do not admit it often…….


I do not admit it often……

But I do really love where I work. It is rewarding being a part of helping someone to reach their educational and career goals.

I do not admit it often…..

But I really do enjoy mowing the yard. There is just something about the instant gratification that you get after mowing the grass.

I do not admit it often…..

But I love drinking water. It is very satisfying and I actually like the way it tastes.

I do not admit it often….

But salt and vinegar chips are one of my weaknesses. I am very addicted.

I do not admit it often….

But there are days when I just wish I could quit working and stay home and enjoy the things I love most. Maybe one day!