Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Campus Humor
I heard the best story this morning at work. It was so funny I had to share it. So a student calls the Financial Aid Office and wants to ask questions about what is going on with this money. He started out the conversation by saying “This is going to have to be quick, I am out in the bush and I am about to get bit by a snake,” he said in a very thick southern accent. So he is talking with the Financial Aid employee and his phone suddenly cuts out. The employee feared the worst…..he got bit. So she promptly called him back and said “Did you get bit by the snake?” He said “no, but it was really close.” Now I am not sure what it was that prompted this guy to feel like he needed to call Financial Aid while out in the bush chopping trees and nearly getting bit by a snake. I guess some people are better at multi tasking than others.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Follow me on Bloglovin
With Google Reader going away I have joined Bloglovin so that you all can continue to follow me. I would love for you to join me over at Bloglovin. Click below to follow me there!
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Hello Summer!
Today is the first day of summer! I have always loved the arrival of summer. It reminds me of all the fun memories I had as a kid during the summer. I have so many great memories of family vacations and playing outside in the warm summer heat with my sisters and friends. When I was a kid summer was my favorite time of year. Now as an adult the arrival of summer always makes me feel so nostalgic. That little kid inside of me wants to get out and play and have fun. This summer I look forward having a few little adventures of my own. I can’t wait!
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013
There is a light at the end of the tunnel
![]() sweet escape by Tea Jagodic |
Yesterday I began the last semester of graduate school. It seems like this last semester would never get here. It has been a long road to get to this point, and there were times when I was not sure if I would make it. I am so glad I that I stuck with it and did not give up. I am so relieved to finally have the end in sight. I know in the end it will all be worth it!
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Monday, June 17, 2013
On My Heart
Today my heart is heavy. I found out yesterday that a friend/co-worker passed way from a terrible accident. Her death was so sudden and out of the blue that it has left me shocked and wondering why it happened. My heart hurts because I lost someone that is special to me and someone that was a true friend. My heart also hurts because a family lost a dear loved one in a sudden and tragic way.
This horrible incident reminded me of how precious life is. It reminded me to not take life for granted. We have no idea how much time we have on this earth. We never know when it will be “our time”. Therefore, we need to live each day to the fullest and to be thankful that God blessed us with another day on this earth.
It also got me to thinking are am I truly being a witness to those around me. Am I being an example of who Christ is? Are lives being impacted because of my witness? One of my favorite quotes is by St. Francis of Assisi. He stated, “Preach the Gospel at all time and when necessary use words.” These are powerful words to live by and want this to be true in my life.
Today I am reminded of all the blessings I have in my life. I am reminded of the precious time that we have been given to live on this earth. I am reminded to not take this life for granted, but to be grateful and to live each day with purpose and with meaning.
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Thursday, June 13, 2013
Throwback Thursday!
Week one: Learning to drive
Today I am linking up with Bonnie over at Life of Bon. This week’s Throwback Thursday is learning to drive. I can still remember learning to drive just like it was yesterday. When I was first learning to drive my dad took my sister and I to one of the local colleges and we drove around the parking lot. It was not that bad of an experience until my dad decided that one day we were going to learn on the stick shift. That was pretty much a nightmare. I think it was way too much to remember at once and I decided that I did not want to do that again. I am sticking to automatic!
Me in high school. Yikes!
I did not get proper driving instructions until I was about 17 or 18. The private school that I was going to did not have a driver’s ed program so I had to go to a private driving school. It was pretty easy and the guy was a cool teacher. When it was time to go for my driving test to get my license the instructor told me that I should go to one of the towns nearby and take my test because all they make you do is drive around the block and then park the car. So that is exactly what I did. And I passed with flying colors! The only bad thing about the driving school is that the instructor did not teach me how to parallel park, since that would not be part of the driving test. And to this day I still do not know how to parallel park.
My first car was similar to the van below. Yikes! My parents gave it to me when they bought a new car. I hated that van. But how can you complain when you get a vehicle for free. It was for sure not the coolest car for a young person to have, but hey at least I had a car.
My very first driving experience though was as a kid going down my grandmother’s driveway on a hot wheel. Those were the days!
Luckily (knock on wood) I have not had any major accidents, only a minor fender bender once. And I have managed to not get any tickets. I have received one warning for running a red light. But other than that my driving experience has been pretty uneventful. Thank God!
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Monday, June 10, 2013
Lesson Learned
I do not think there is anything that makes me feel more stupid or more aggravated than locking my keys in my car. The worst is when you do it first thing in the morning. It just kind of starts you day off on the wrong foot. Today the unthinkable happened to me. When I was getting my things out of my car my water bottle feel under my car. So in order to get my water bottle I laid my purse down on the backseat. While I was getting me water bottle out from under my car the car door closed. And there was my purse still sitting on my back seat locked in my car, with the car keys inside it. ARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I was completely aggravated. What’s worse is that my husband has the spare set, but cannot bring it to me until after he gets finished with his work. which is around 6:00. Well, I guess it is a good thing I did not have to go anywhere today. What a great way to start a Monday morning. Right?
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Friday, June 7, 2013
Friday’s Letters
Dear Self, you only have a few more months of school left. Just hang in there, you will make it. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Dear North Carolina, I so enjoyed visiting you this past weekend. Thank you for providing us with such a great time. You are quickly becoming my home away from home. Dear Husband, you are getting close to being done with your clinicals. I cannot wait for you to be done. I am excited to see where life takes us with your new job. Dear Vacation, I long for you so much! I am in desperate need of some time off. Hopefully you will come and rescue me soon from the craziness of life. Dear Friends, I hope you all have a great weekend!
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Girl's Weekend
This past weekend my mom, sister, aunt, and two of my cousins went on a girl's weekend getaway to North Carolina. The trip was so much fun. Lots of laughs, good conversations, good food, and good company. It was a great way to spend the weekend!
While there we saw some really cool waterfalls. I have included some pictures below.
This is Dry Falls. This was the best picture I could get. There was too much sun light to make a good photo. It was a really cool waterfall and the walk down to it was pretty easy. The only complaint I have is that there were way too many people there. It made it hard to enjoy the waterfall and take good photos.
This is Courthouse Falls. It is one of my favorite hikes in North Carolina. The hike to the falls is not too far and the waterfall itself is secluded. We were the only ones at the waterfall that day.
I believe we made a lot of great memories and had fun hanging out together. I can't wait until we have another girl's weekend getaway!
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