Thursday, November 21, 2013



jim via

Recently I ran across this quote by Jim Elliot when looking through Pinterest. It reminded me of all the hopes and dreams I have had for my life and how many times I have shied away from them because of various reasons. One of my biggest dreams is to become more proficient in my photography skills. I have always had dreams and ambitions of starting my own photography business and selling my work. But for whatever reason I have continued to make excuses for why I cannot follow through with dream. Some of those top excuses have been time and money. But how can you make a dream a reality unless you jump in with both feet. I have made a decision that I will make the time to work on my photography skills and make it a point to follow my dreams and see where the path leads me.  I have decided that “I will be all there.” I am hoping and dreaming for new adventures. I am dreaming that this path will take me to places I have never been before. I am excited to step out and embark on making my dream a reality.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pay It Forward


So the coolest thing happened to me over the weekend. I went to my favorite coffee joint, Starbucks. The husband and I were out running errands and in an effort to save time we decided to go through the drive-thru. When I drove up to the window the Starbucks employee told me that the women in the car in front of me bought my coffee. I thought to myself “how nice.” That had never, ever happened to me before. You hear stories of people paying for total strangers orders but you never think that will happen to you. In that moment I had to make a decision……do I be thankful for a free cup of coffee and be on my way? Or do I pay it forward and pay for the person in line behind me. I thought, I was going to buy coffee anyway, so why not do something nice for someone else. So I paid it forward. I returned my gift of a cup of coffee, by giving it back to someone else.

When was the last time you paid it forward?



Monday, November 18, 2013



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During this season of Thanksgiving it reminds me of all that God has blessed me with. I am reminded of the wonderful family that I have been blessed with. I have amazing parents and two wonderful sisters. I am grateful for the heritage that my grandparents have passed down and that it has had an impact on who I am today. I am grateful for my husband and the blessing he has been in my life. The last three years have been full of love and joy and I cannot imagine sharing my life with anyone else.

I am grateful for my job. I know many times I complain about my job and how I am not happy with where I am. But I am truly grateful that God has provided a place for me to work and that I have money to be able to pay the bills and put food on the table. My job truly is a blessing.

There are so many more things that I am thankful for. There are too many things to count. All I can say is that sometimes I am humbled by the way that God has blessed my life. It is more than words can ever express.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Journey




Life is a journey. Often times we start out on a path not really knowing where it will take us. The excitement of it all is embarking on a new adventure with endless possibilities. At times it can make me feel like a kid again. I get excited about where the new road will take us and the great things that lie ahead. While every new adventure has its ups and downs you never know where the journey will lead you. It could be one of the greatest adventures of your life. Where is the journey of life taking you?

Friday, November 8, 2013



reflect via


Recently I have been in a place where I have felt more reflective than normal. It has left me wanting to stay lost in my thoughts rather than to write here on my blog. Sometimes in order to work things out in my mind I need to be quiet and just reflect on where I am. So that is why I have been so quiet lately. I have simply been lost in my thoughts.