Thursday, November 21, 2013



jim via

Recently I ran across this quote by Jim Elliot when looking through Pinterest. It reminded me of all the hopes and dreams I have had for my life and how many times I have shied away from them because of various reasons. One of my biggest dreams is to become more proficient in my photography skills. I have always had dreams and ambitions of starting my own photography business and selling my work. But for whatever reason I have continued to make excuses for why I cannot follow through with dream. Some of those top excuses have been time and money. But how can you make a dream a reality unless you jump in with both feet. I have made a decision that I will make the time to work on my photography skills and make it a point to follow my dreams and see where the path leads me.  I have decided that “I will be all there.” I am hoping and dreaming for new adventures. I am dreaming that this path will take me to places I have never been before. I am excited to step out and embark on making my dream a reality.

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