Monday, June 25, 2012

Who's Washing Your Dishes

Hello friends, one of my sweet blog friends is filling in for me while I am on vacation. I hope you enjoy Kerrie's post as much as I did. Thanks Kerrie for filling in. 

Hey there! I'm Kerrie and I blog at The Williams' Post and today I want to share with you a story of my neurotic behaviors and how Jesus used them to teach me a lesson about Him!

There was a time when I was known for washing every dish by hand before putting them in the dishwasher. Everyone told me I was crazy and I knew it wasted water, but I didn't trust the dishwasher to really clean the dishes, especially if they were really dirty.  You might wonder why I put them in the dishwasher if I'm going to do it by hand first. My answer is that I didn't trust my own cleaning on its own either!

Well, I was convinced to give the dishwasher a try.  Reluctantly I put some "tester" bowls in, with caked-on Chili. Haha I'll prove that I'm right about the dishwasher! You just watch!

Well wouldn't you believe it?  It worked!  I was so excited that I started jumping up and down in the kitchen holding my clean bowl and squealing over the fact that I don't have to hand wash dishes anymore.  My poor husband -- I know he think's I'm a crazy person.

I started to think, isn't that how my relationship with Christ is sometimes?  I'll trust God to do his job, but first I'll make sure I've got things taken care of well enough so that if He doesn't come through, I've got Him covered.  Ridiculous right? 
And then when I do take the chance to fully trust Him, He comes through and I get all excited - jumping around and squealing about what He has done! 
That's ridiculous too.
I know God can do all things! In fact, when I interfere I end up messing everything up!  I'd be better off trusting the "Dishwasher" in the first place and saving myself the stress and extra work of trying to do things myself.

So, who's been washing your dirty dishes?

I hope you'll come visit me on my neck of the woods! Thank you Debbie for inviting me over today!


  1. thanks for having me Debbie! Your new blog layout is beautiful!!

    1. Thanks for doing the post Kerrie. I loved having you.

  2. Very insightful, gives me something to think about!
