Thursday, March 28, 2013

Letters To My Husband


Dear Robert,

Everyday I am grateful to have you in my life. I love that you are not only the love of my life, but that you are also my best friend. I love it that we can have fun and act goofy together. You have always been there for me when I needed you most. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder when I have needed to. Thank you for always putting up with me when I am difficult to live with. Most of all thank you for loving me and letting me love you.

I love you so much!



  1. So sweet, it's wonderful to have someone that you know will never turn their back on you. I love this post :)

  2. how sweet! love this! found you from Erin's blog!
    Helene in Between

  3. Aww! So sweet!! Having someone who is so supportive is such a blessing! Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!
