Thursday, March 1, 2012

Random Thoughts for Thursday

Sometimes I think I am crazy for going back to school, especially after going to class last week and getting the syllabus. But I know in the end it will be worth it.

I am super excited because my husband and I are going to visit a dog breeder this weekend. I am excited about the prospects of getting a puppy.

In light of the recent bad weather it has reminded me how much I hate storms and tornadoes. It never makes any sense to me why people lose their homes and why some even lose their lives because of such random acts of mother nature. It is hard for me to understand why things like this happen.

I noticed that my iris are starting to come up that I have planted around my mail box. And that makes me happy. It reminds me that spring is just around the corner and it gives me hope that it will be warm again soon. I love spring!

Sometimes I think it would be nice to not have to live in a world that is so dependent on technology. I often think it would be nice to not have to answer the phone or to answer email. I think I would love to live somewhere that I could just enjoy life and not have the interruptions of modern conveniences. I would love to be by the beach lying in a hammock like the one below.


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