Friday, January 13, 2012

Hello 2012

I can hardly believe another year has started. Time just seems to go by faster and faster the older I get. I have decided that this year I am not going to make any resolutions. I always make resolutions and then never follow through with it. And it always make me feel bad when I can't follow through with things. So rather than set myself up for failure again I am not going to make resolutions. Instead I am going to work on those areas of my life that I feel need changing and continue to try and improve those areas.

I would really like to be more fit. So I am going to continue to work on that goal. And work toward feeling better and looking better. I think that if I do not set myself up for failure at the get go then I will be more likely to stick to it and see results.

I would also really like to continue to work on my relationship with God. I would like to pray more and read the bible more. I need to really make time to do things like this. Most of all though I want to continue to be a witness to those around me. It is my prayer that God will continue to shape me and mold me in His image so that when people see me they see Him.

I would also like to learn how to cook more and learn how to like it. I have never been one to enjoy cooking. My husband is the cook the family. I would like to be a better cook and to be brave about trying new things. That is one thing I do want to try and do.

I believe that as long as I do not put pressure on myself to meet a certain goal that I will be more likely to follow through with working on those areas of my life that I feel need changing. I am excited about this new year and can't wait to see what it has in store.


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