Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Today I am linking up with Megan from Mackey Madness.

Sometimes I love the warmth of my bed in the morning and do not want to get up.
Always I know that I cannot stay in bed all day.

Sometimes I try so hard to resist eating chocolate.
Always I give in to temptation and eat it.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like had our brave men and women not fought for our country's freedom.
Always I am grateful for my husband who so bravely fought to defend our country for 12 years (he is my hero).

Sometimes I wonder what my life had been like if I were born into another family.
Always I am grateful for the family God blessed me with!

Go link up with Megan today!



  1. Bed = Happiness!! Love being all warm and cozy!

    God bless your husband and all the other men and women who sacrifice so much each day to keep us safe!

  2. Wow, your husband is amazing!! Tell him THANK YOU!!

    And I agree, I want to lay in bed all day, too!! That would be super nice!

    Thanks for linking up!!
